Three Pathfinder curricula are in use across the South Pacific Division.
The choice to use either of these depends on the particular needs of the club as well as the preference of the club director and union/conference/mission.

The standard curriculum is otherwise known as the traditional card system. The curriculum is divided into 6 age-specific classes.
- Friend – 10 years old
- Companion – 11 years old
- Explorer – 12 years old
- Ranger – 13 years old
- Voyager – 14 years old
- Guide – 15 years old
Each class program is developed for the special needs of that age group and is self-contained, with requirements in the areas of spiritual, physical, history, nature and outdoor skills. Classes or individuals may also choose to complete extra requirements to achieve an advanced level.

The Specialty curriculum is an alternative program that utilises the class program for the Junior classes (Friend, Companion and Explorer) however utilises a different approach to learning for the Teen classes (Ranger, Voyager, Guide). It was felt that the teens needed to have a more focused and specialised program to cater for their developmental needs. The teen classes work together as one group and choose from a range of specialties designed for this program.

The Way To Go (WTG) curriculum is designed on activity-based-learning and faith development principles. The club is divided into age-based levels and each level completes a number of pursuits (learning activities) according to their developmental stage.
Please note the ‘Way To Go’ curriculum is South Pacific Division (SPD) specific. If a club outside the South Pacific wants to use this resource in your Pathfinder classes, then it would be advised to seek approval by your local Youth Department.